Visit with us, catch up, and get connected
as we share the journey of becoming parents through adoption.



Well, friends, spring has sprung!
And I know all of you are starting to clean out closets, basements, drawers, kids's rooms ... and you are going to think of a few options with the stuff ...
Do I throw it out?     Do I donate it to Goodwill?     Do I have a yard sale?  

Well, we have the answer for you!  Donate it to our adoption yard sale!!
Tentatively set for the first weekend in June, we plan to rent the clubhouse in our neighborhood and have a giant Clean House Style yard sale!

So this is your way to get rid of junk, donate to the cause, and have some FUN!
We need items of all types, email me if you have any questions.  The drop off deadline will be May 18th, and there will be various drop off sites all around middle Tennessee.  Right now, we have our house in Bellevue and my parents house in Gallatin ... if any of you are willing to let us use a little of your storage space for peeps to drop things off we would so appreciate it, the more places to store things the more we can have!!

So here are some ways to communicate ...
If you have items to donate, email here!
If you want to volunteer to help with the sale, email here!
If you can offer us some storage space and a drop off location, email here!
If you have questions or comments, email here!
(they are all the same email addy, btw ... just looks cool, huh?!!!)

Thanks for the help, prayers, and excitement!  So looking forward to it!
Much love,
Yard sale-ing mamma in the makin'!


Next Steps ...

We are still so amazed by the support we have gotten since announcing our adoption ... people are amazing!  We now have a linked facebook page, over there to the right you can like from here on the blog.  Just one more way to stay connected with the small details and become a member of the "pod" as we have named it!!

We heard some exciting news from Bethany yesterday, we are officially on for the day long orientation in May!  We now have access to the full demographic application ... and after the orientation we are moving on to the home visit!

This all means there will be a few small fundraisers starting soon, we have a group that has a passion for fundraising working on them, and if you want to join that just let me know!

An ongoing fundraiser is Chickie Crafts, my card business.  It has been a lot of fun doing them for profit for over a year ... but now it is all about funding the Pod!!

Just to get some conversation going ... what kinds of questions do you have about adoption?  If we don't know, we will find someone that does =)

Much love!!


Over 200 Visits in 36 Hours!

We are overwhelmed by the visits to the blog, the comments on facebook, the emails ... one thing is for sure:  This baby is going to be loved by a LOT of people!

It cracks me up that so many of my friends are just like me ... I have been asked, "This is so great!  WHAT CAN WE DO?!" more times that I can believe!  We are so blessed to be surrounded by such giving hearts.  You are all just amazing.

We are working on some fundraising ideas right off the bat, we know we are going to have a giant clean house style yard sale this spring/early summer so start sorting things for that!  If you are interested in being a part of the fundraising department, we are going to have a dinner party soon to do some planning, email me!

Right now, just pray with us.  Pray for all of it to come together for God's purpose.  And please, pray for the birth mother.  Believe it or not, she is out there in this world right now.  She is somewhere, living a life probably none of us know ... and she is about to encounter God's love in an amazing way ... and I get to tell her when we meet my whole world has been praying for you for a long time =)

If you are on facebook, go to our page there and LIKE us!  That will be a great place along with this blog for people to get details and talk about coming events =)

Signing off for now!