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as we share the journey of becoming parents through adoption.


Farting without the rainbows.

<Kristin talking here...>

My dear sweet bff Lisa has coined the funniest phrase ... "farting rainbows."  When there is a situation that calls for one to fart a rainbow, I apparently do so well.  For example, someone or something bad happens, and you create a usually fake but cheery response.  Some people say that is lemonade out of lemons, we say it is "farting a rainbow!"

Sometimes, there are just farts.  Forgive me for my crass language, it is just part of my reality right now. Right now, there is no rainbow in the farts happening right now, and I am just generally upset.

I hope that this rambling will draw someone closer to the reality of adoption, because as you can see by all the other posts here I have gotten really good a farting rainbows.  I make things look clean, easy, and happy all the time ... and there are moments that I am just taken to tears.  Infertility took me to those tears often, it reminds me of this post from my infertility blogging days.  I titled that "Waves of Infertility."  Today I could write a novel about the "Waves of Adoption."

Today was a wave.  Not a monsoon, not a downpour, not a sprinkle, and not a shower.  A wave.  I am waiting to see how I ride it, if I get swallowed whole or if I crest ... it is an unknown right now.  But I do know I will be writing that book.  I have to.


Taking a breath!

Well, as you all know our fall fundraiser was stunning and amazing.  Click here to see the amazing pictures ... we had a BLAST!  We had a wonderful group of friends that hosted this amazing event and silent auction, and all in all raised almost $4,000 from this event!

Since then, we met with our agency and did our final set of interviews, and our case worker is working hard on our Home Study write up.  We have finished our profile books, it is FABULOUS!  They should arrive tomorrow!!

So from here, we meet with Nancy on Wednesday the 19th for our final meeting and to look over the Home Study, hand over our profiles, and wrap this side of the work up!  Then, it is waiting, praying, hoping, dreaming, saving, saving, saving time!!!

We are so excited and ready for this step ... it is giant.  In the past month our lives have been turned upside down with adoption ... one month ago today we were obsessively cleaning our house and freaking out about the study!  Since then we have had a beautiful party, raised $4,000, done all the home study work, created a profile, and laughed.  We have laughed a lot =)

I pray and hope that we can stay happy and excited about this after next week.  When the projects stop, and the constant "something to do for the agency" slows down ... when it is just the two of us and the wait.  Yes, we have PLENTY going on that will occupy that time, but it is still something we have to work toward.  Staying positive and happy takes work ... but it is so worthwhile!!